1. Below is an overview of how works. The same premise applies to Expedia,, VRBO, and We will utilize all of these resources in order to stay competitive with local rental properties and greatly improve your bookings, thus your profitability. 

Using to market a property is an effective way to reach a wide audience of travelers and potential guests. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to utilize for property marketing:

  1. Create an Account: Start by signing up for an account on as either a property owner or manager. Provide necessary details about the property, including location, amenities, room types, and pricing.
  2. Complete Your Property Profile: Fill out all the necessary information about your property accurately and comprehensively. This includes uploading high-quality photos that showcase the property's features, rooms, amenities, and surroundings. Detailed descriptions highlighting unique selling points and key features will attract potential guests.
  3. Set Up Availability and Pricing: Use's calendar tool to manage the availability of your property. Update the calendar regularly to reflect any changes in availability, such as bookings, maintenance, or personal use. Set competitive pricing based on factors like seasonality, demand, and local events.
  4. Optimize Your Listing: Make sure your property listing stands out by optimizing it for search visibility. Use relevant keywords in the title and description to improve its chances of appearing in search results. Highlight unique features, nearby attractions, and amenities to attract potential guests.
  5. Offer Special Deals and Promotions: allows property owners to create special deals and promotions to attract guests. Consider offering discounts for extended stays, last-minute bookings, or early bird bookings. Promotions can help increase visibility and attract more bookings.
  6. Manage Reviews and Ratings: Monitor and respond to guest reviews promptly and professionally. Positive reviews can enhance your property's reputation and attract more bookings, while addressing any negative feedback demonstrates your commitment to guest satisfaction. Encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews to improve your property's rating.
  7. Utilize's Marketing Tools: Take advantage of's marketing tools and features to enhance your property's visibility. This includes participating in promotional campaigns, utilizing the Genius program to attract frequent travelers, and leveraging's advertising solutions to reach a larger audience.
  8. Stay Up-to-Date with's Policies and Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with's policies, guidelines, and best practices for property owners. This includes understanding cancellation policies, payment procedures, and guest requirements. Compliance with's policies will ensure a positive experience for both guests and property owners.
  9. Monitor Performance and Analytics: Use's analytics tools to track your property's performance, including booking statistics, occupancy rates, and revenue. Analyzing this data will help you identify trends, optimize pricing and availability, and make informed decisions to maximize your property's profitability.
  10. Continuously Improve Your Listing: Regularly update your property listing with fresh photos, updated information, and any changes to amenities or pricing. Pay attention to guest feedback and suggestions to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall guest experience.

By following these steps and utilizing's marketing tools effectively, property owners can maximize the visibility and profitability of their properties on the platform, attracting more guests and generating more bookings.

Google Business Ads


Below is an overview of how Google business ads work. Depending upon budget, we intend to use this method as a way to gain higher search results within search engines as well as stay in front of our audience once they have shown an interest in booking in our area. 

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an advertising platform developed by Google that allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine results page (SERP), as well as on its advertising network. Here's a general overview of how Google Ads works:

  1. Keyword Selection: Advertisers select keywords or phrases related to their products or services that they want their ads to appear for when users search on Google.
  2. Ad Creation: Advertisers create text, image, or video ads using Google Ads' tools. These ads typically include a headline, a description, and a link to the advertiser's website.
  3. Bid Strategy: Advertisers set a maximum bid they are willing to pay for each click (Cost-Per-Click or CPC) or for a thousand impressions (Cost-Per-Thousand-Impressions or CPM) on their ads. This bid, along with other factors, determines when and where their ads will be displayed.
  4. Ad Auction: When a user enters a search query on Google, Google runs an auction to determine which ads will appear on the search results page and in what order. The auction takes into account various factors including the advertiser's bid, the relevance of the ad to the search query, the quality of the ad and the landing page, and the expected impact of ad extensions and other ad formats.
  5. Ad Ranking: Google calculates an Ad Rank for each ad based on the bid and the Quality Score. Quality Score is a metric that measures the relevance and quality of an ad and its landing page. Ad Rank determines the position of the ad on the search results page.
  6. Ad Display: Ads that win the auction are displayed on the Google SERP either at the top or bottom of the page, depending on their Ad Rank and other factors.
  7. Cost and Payment: Advertisers are charged only when users click on their ads (CPC) or when their ads receive a thousand impressions (CPM). The actual cost per click or per thousand impressions depends on the bid of the advertiser who wins the auction.
  8. Performance Monitoring and Optimization: Advertisers can monitor the performance of their ads through Google Ads' reporting tools. They can analyze metrics such as clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate. Based on this data, advertisers can optimize their campaigns by adjusting bids, keywords, ad creatives, and targeting settings to improve their return on investment (ROI).

Overall, Google Ads provides advertisers with a powerful platform to reach potential customers at the moment they are searching for products or services related to their business, and it allows advertisers to target their ads based on various factors such as location, demographics, interests, and more.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing: 

Below is an overview of how we propose to use email marketing for The Roundhouse Resort. Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages to a group of people via email. It is one of the most effective and widely used methods for businesses to engage with their audience, promote their products or services, build relationships, and drive sales. Here's an overview of email marketing:

  1. Building an Email List: The foundation of email marketing is building a list of subscribers who have opted in to receive emails from your business. This can be done through various methods such as website sign-up forms, social media promotions, events, or lead magnets like ebooks or discounts.
  2. Creating Compelling Content: Successful email marketing relies on creating engaging and valuable content for subscribers. This content can include promotional offers, product updates, newsletters, industry news, educational content, and more. The goal is to provide content that resonates with your audience and encourages them to take action.
  3. Design and Layout: Well-designed emails with clear calls-to-action (CTAs), compelling visuals, and mobile-responsive layouts are essential for grabbing subscribers' attention and driving them to take the desired action. 
  4. Analytics and Tracking: Monitoring key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Analyzing these metrics helps you understand subscriber behavior, identify areas for improvement, and refine your email marketing strategy accordingly.

Overall, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience, drive engagement and conversions, and ultimately, achieve their marketing objectives.